Five Video Game Villains and How They Work

The big enemy is approaching at full throttle! According to the data, is it identified as “ARTICLE”

So, I’m feeling more like writing something positive this month. I’ve seen one too many “Top 10 WORST”s that it made me creatively miserable. That’s not what people get into media, because it’s stupid or bad. That’s the wrong attitude to go into. So instead of being like that, I’m going to right the ship and sail to bluer waters. And by that I mean the title above.

Villains are the easiest to analyze because while other characters can have their moments and become our favorites, villains are made to be complete even in the worst stories. They are fallible, capable of mistakes and if done well they might even be more memorable than the main character at times as you understand them inside and out, from beginning to end in one nice arc. Yes, along the way you understand all the other characters in the story but a villain is on the other side. You see them negatively compared to everyone else regardless of the situation and the way these characters are handled requires a more in-depth knowledge of the art forms to figure out what’s under the surface.

Oh and spoilers for Undertale, Starfy, Tales of Symponia, Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney, and Conker’s Bad Fur Day. That’s the only warning you get. Continue reading “Five Video Game Villains and How They Work”